

30 juli 2007


Bush en zijn wapenwedloop. Gn serieuze poging voor vrede in het Midden-oosten. Wel meer wapens voor zogenaamde gematigde groepen. De huidige Amerikaanse visie op het oplossen van conflicten: mr wapens.

The United States is reported to be preparing a major arms deal with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states worth $20bn (9.8bn) over the next decade.

Defence officials quoted by US media said the sales would include advanced weaponry, missile guidance systems, upgraded fighter jets and naval ships.

It is said to be an attempt to counter the regional threat posed by Iran.

The officials said the secretaries of state and defence would discuss the deal on a visit to the Gulf next week.

However, discussions with Congress on the arms package have just begun, and no announcements are expected during the visit, the officials added.
Bron: BBC

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